Trek 13: From Blue Desert to Ras el Guna or Bier Safra (2-3 days)

Two main trekking routes exist from St. Katherine to the Muzeina desert region, they both start at the same spot in the Blue Desert. People often get to the Blue Desert by car from town, but you could also approach the area on foot via Wadi Sdud and Naqb Dirwa, which is a beautiful walk. The walk further on from the Blue Desert is quite uneventful, either way you go. The route to Ras el Guna is shorter, 1-2 days, but then it takes days on the top of the Guna Plateau – a fantastic walk, but not for those in a hurry. The route to Bier Safra takes 2-3 days, but then you are right where all the main attractions are.

Read more: Blue Desert.

You can click waypoints marked with a green camera symbol to see a photo taken at, near or of the given location. 

Trek photos

waypoint 01: Wadi Sdud 

waypoint 02: junction with the view of Jebel Umm Alawi and Naqb Dirwa to its right

waypoint 03: top of Naqb Dirwa with the view of the Blue Desert

waypoint 04: junction of wadis across the Blue Desert

waypoint 05: Nabi Salah area

waypoint 06: Wadi Umm Hamata

waypoint 07: junction

waypoint 08: pass over dark hill

waypoint 09: Faranja

waypoint 10: Naqb Smera

waypoint 11: Shegera with the view of the Guna Plateau

waypoint 12: view back on the Blue Deseet area from top of pass

waypoint 13: seasonal waterfall

waypoint 14: bottom of pass

waypoint 15: top of pass

waypoint 16: pass with the view of Hamera

waypoint 17: pass to Wadi Mkattala below

waypoint 18: pass to Nqaba

waypoint 19: Nqaba

waypoint 20: pass to Wadi Matura

waypoint 21: junction of wadis in Wadi Matura

waypoint 22: Bier Safra

waypoint 23: Dune of Safra

waypoint 24: Wadi Arada settlement

waypoint 25: Umm Rayah

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