A short walk near St Catherine: El Freish and Wadi Itlah


The view of Saint Catherine from the ridge of El Freish. 

The nearest Bedouin garden from St Catherine is El Freish, a secluded and cute basin with a single garden, separated from the city by a small ridge. The basin is also called Farsh Shama' - or Farsh Abu Aluan, named after the family who owns the garden. The basin drains to the junction of Wadi Qweiz-Wadi Talaa-Wadi Itlah. The latter is a straight and long valley with many gardens and a little Greek Orthodox church next to the Cave of St John the Ladder. Wadi Itlah ends at Wadi Shaq-Tinya, a steep gully coming from the high mountains, and from here you can also get back to St Catherine via the village of Abu Seila. 

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