Trek 14: Along the Guna Plateau (3-4 days)

The Guna Plateau – or Jebel Guna – is a long flat-topped range running parallel to the St. Katherine road from its “head,” Ras el Guna, all the way to Wadi Ghlim and the Nawamis area. On the other side, separating the range from the Tih Plateau, the long sandy corridor of Wadi Zalaqa runs. From ground level the Guna Plateau doesn’t look any special, it is certainly not like the rugged high mountains or the surrealistic sandstone hills of the sandy plains. But it does have surprises for those who are willing to explore its top. Shallow basins form a complex labyrinth, you can see them layer by layer like on a contour map. They drain to dramatic-looking, sudden, deep gullies, and from the rim of the plateau you have stunning views on different areas.

Read more: Jebel Guna.

You can click waypoints marked with a green camera symbol to see a photo taken at, near or of the given location. 

Trek photos

waypoint 01: Shegera

waypoint 02: mouth of Shegera Canyon

waypoint 03: path to Jebel Guna

waypoint 04: rim of the plateau

waypoint 05: view down on Shegera near junction

waypoint 06: nosra

waypoint 07: approaching Naqb Atafi from Wadi Zalaqa

waypoint 08: top of Naqb Atafi, with the view of Zaraniq and Jebel Dalal

waypoint 09: Haraba

waypoint 10: hill top with crystal balls

waypoint 11: top of Naqb Barq

waypoint 12: Bier Barq

waypoint 13: top of pass with view of Wadi Arada

waypoint 14: Wadi Arada

waypoint 15: bottom of Naqb Abu Trefiya pass

waypoint 16: top of pass, basin of Farsh Abu Trefiya

waypoint 17: top of Naqb Arada

waypoint 18: bottom of Naqb Arada

waypoint 19: top of Naqb Abaya

waypoint 20: bottom of Naqb Abaya

waypoint 21: Bier Umm Hamata

waypoint 22: Wadi Umm Hamata – Wadi Ghlim junction

waypoint 23: top of Naqb Ghlim

waypoint 24: Wadi Ghlim – Wadi Zalaqa junction

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