Jebel Guna

Trek 14Trek 15

Jebel Guna is a long, flat mountain range separating two main wadis from which gullies descend to all directions. From the rim of the plateau there are stunning views of the sand desert around dotted with sandstone outcrops and distant rugged ranges, including Mt. Katherina. The mountain top consists of a confusing system of shallow basins, and dramatic looking, steep gullies connect higher ground to the plains below. You also find ruined old stone circles known as Nosra, water sources and a hill littered with crystals. Several canyons are located at its base, including Arada Canyon (Double Canyon).

Other names/spellings: Plateau, Jabal, Gebel, Gabal, Djebel, Djabal – el-Guna, al-Guna, Gunna

  • Jebel Guna: a long flat range running parallel to the St. Katherine-Nuweiba road for some 20 miles, with Wadi Zalaqa on the other side.
  • Ras el Guna: the head of Jebel Guna standing above the sandy plain of Shegera and the maize of Zaranik, with amazing views of the lowlands and the high mountains in the distance.
  • Shegera: a flat sandy area with pretty Shegera Canyon, from where the main route to Ras el Guna starts.
  • Haraba: a water pool on the top of Ras el Guna suitable for a bath, near a hill littered with crystal balls. Don’t forget it is forbidden to remove rocks from the national park’s territory, although the broken pieces are the proof not everyone keeps to this law.
  • Naqb Barq: a steep and narrow gully draining the flat basins to Wadi Arada (Guna). In one of its little branches is located Bier Barq, a well with drinkable water.
  • Wadi Arada (Guna): a long, flat and sandy wadi cutting the Guna Plateau in half. It starts at Naqb Barq and connects to Wadi Zalaqa.
  • Farsh Abu Trefiya: a big, shallow basin that connects the plateau to Wadi Arada via Naqb Arada, which offers great views on the plains below. Arada Canyon is found at the base,
  • Farsh Abaya: similar and connected to Farsh Abu Trefiya, a steep double gully known as Naqb Abaya leads to the sandy plain of the Nawamis area.
  • Wadi Umm Hamata: to the north a long wadi descends gently to Wadi Ghlim, with water source in the middle known as Bier Umm Hamata.
  • Wadi Ghlim: a wadi that separates the Guna Plateau from ranges to the north, and connects the Nawamis area to Wadi Zalaqa over a spectacular pass called Naqb Ghlim. In the lower part of the wadi you find the well of Bier Ghlim.

See: Trek 14 and Trek 15 

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