Wadi Isla

Trek 10

Wadi Isla is part of the traditional caravan route between El Tur and St. Katherine, used by pilgrims as well as the Bedouin and the monks to deliver goods to the coast and get supplies. The long and winding wadi becomes narrow and lush towards the end, with many date palms, canes, trees and a creek running through a pretty gorge. The sight of the plain of El Qaa from the very end, Seil Isla, is also very dramatic.

Other names/spellings: Wadee, Wady, Vadi, Ouadi – Islah, Isleh

  • Wadi Isla: a long and winding wadi, the continuation of Wadi Rumhan, draining to the big plains at the Gulf of Suez known as El Qaa.
  • Wadi Isla Gorge: the prettiest spot in Wadi Isla, with lush vegetation and a stream flowing between narrow walls.
  • El Qaa: the big sandy floodplain at the end of wadis, including Wadi Isla, draining the mountain ranges to the west.
  • Wadi Rumhan: the top part of the long wadi system that Wadi Isla is also part of, starting at the foot of Jebel Umm Shaumar.

See: Trek 10 

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