Trek 21: Coloured Canyon from Ras Shaitan (1-2 days)
The Coloured Canyon is one of the most visited sites in the Sinai, but most people get there by 4x4s via Nuveiba and Wadi Watir. It can also be reached from the coast at Ras Shaitan on foot, visiting other places of interest along the way, including Wishwashi Canyon. If you get to the Coloured Canyon in the afternoon, the tourist groups are likely to be gone and you can have the site for yourself, or you could camp in the desert before the canyon and visit the site early in the morning. From the Coloured Canyon you can either return another way or by a vehicle (best to organise it in advance), or continue on to other attractions further along. It is an easy-moderate trek with only one bigger climb at Naqb el Kohla.
Read more: Wishwashi Canyon, Coloured Canyon.
You can click waypoints marked with a green camera symbol to see a photo taken at, near or of the given location.
Read more: Wishwashi Canyon, Coloured Canyon.
You can click waypoints marked with a green camera symbol to see a photo taken at, near or of the given location.
Trek photos
waypoint 01: the mouth of Wadi Milha with the Red Sea in the background
waypoint 02: narrow part in Wadi Milha
waypoint 03: reaching the Wadi Milha – Wadi Wishwashi junction
waypoint 04: the pool in Wishwashi Canyon is full of water after rains
waypoint 05: Moyat el Milha, with the path starting to the left
waypoint 06: reaching El Freya
waypoint 07: palms in the second basin of El Freya
waypoint 08: the path over Nakb el Kohla starts to the right at this point – straight ahead is inaccessible
waypoint 09: near the top of Naqb el Kohla
waypoint 10: Wadi Milha el Atshan, on the other side of Naqb el Kohla
waypoint 11: junction (looking north)
waypoint 12: bottom of the Coloured Canyon
waypoint 13: cafeteria above the wadis
waypoint 14: the Coloured Canyon
waypoint 15: junction below the main cafeteria/lodge
waypoint 16: cafeteria/lodge